Trouble Sleeping - A Common Asthma Symptom
Asthma is a dangerous and serious condition. When you develop asthma, your airways will become inflamed and narrowed. This leads to a wide range of different symptoms, but in many cases pinpointing the exact problem can be difficult. There are a variety of things that can suggest you have asthma, and asthmatics cope with numerous conditions each day. Some of those problems, however, occur at night as well and trouble sleeping is one of the most common complaints that an asthma sufferer might name off. If you suffer from asthma, there's a good chance that your nights are restless and at times even frightening.
The main reason that asthma often causes trouble sleeping is that nighttime simply makes some issues with the disease worse. It's especially true when you actually fall into a deep slumber while suffering from asthma. When you rest, your body is trying to revitalize itself and your breathing rate changes. When you have asthma, you aren't able to get the right amount of air through your airways anyway and this change in breathing rates can often make it even harder to do so. Falling asleep could be difficult for an asthmatic, but staying asleep will be even more difficult due to this fact.
When your breathing is labored due to asthma, you can quickly awaken from your sleep in a panic. The confusion, fear, and outright lack of breath that can be experienced during sleep could make it much more difficult to get back to sleep. In many cases you'll find that the nighttime is the absolute worst time to cope with asthma due to the lack of control that you have over your breathing. In short, not only can it be harder to manage your symptoms and more likely that you'll experience breathing trouble, but it can also be frightening to try to get some rest.
A number of different treatments exist to help you control your asthma and each of its symptoms, including trouble sleeping. From medicines designed to reduce the swelling in your lungs and open up your airways to breathing treatments meant to help you get a sound night's sleep, there are plenty of different options available to you. The first step is determining whether or not you really do have asthma, and only a visit to your physician will be able to determine it for sure. Once that you do so you'll be able to figure out exactly what you need to do in order to reduce your trouble sleeping and feel better.